Texas Sheet Cake Cookies

Peut être une image de texte qui dit ’MELT-IN-YOUR-HOUTH MELT-IN- ఆ M TEXAS SHEET CAKE COOKIES Chocolate Cake Mix Eggs Butter Milk Cocoa Powder Powdered Sugar Get The Full Recipe @ KitchenFunWithMy3Sons.com’
If you can’t decide between cake or cookies, just make both! These Texas Sheet Cake Cookies are a cross between a Texas sheet cake and double chocolate cookies. This recipe is not only delicious, but incredibly easy. If you haven’t made a cake mix cookie recipe yet, this one is going to hook you.

Texas Sheet Cake Cookies
Texas Sheet Cake Cookies
There are several reasons why this is one of my favorite cookies recipes. First of all, they’re super tasty, obviously. Second, they are super simple. In fact, the cookies need just three ingredients and the chocolate frosting on top is just four.
Truly, these cookies are on the top of my list for most favorites.

For these cookies we are going to be starting from a boxed cake mix. It’s a really great way to make a moist, chewy cookie. We’ve done it several times and it is a fool-proof method, especially for Texas Sheet Cake Cookies.

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