Mock Romany Creams Biscuit

I’ve tested this Mock Romany Creams Biscuit recipe a few times and had written on a piece of paper. I found it today when I was scrambling through my bedside drawer.

Mock Romany Creams Biscuit.

Mock Romany Creams Biscuit in a silver tin
Somedays it’s on my phone and other days my recipes are scribbled on my notepad on my fridge. On better days it is written in notebook where it should actually be…Lol! Talk about “unorganised”
I can be organised when I want to be. But I am sort of all over the place, I think about a million things at once. Literally, you will find me doing a million things at once.

Just don’t arrive at my home unannounced because I probably will be too embarassed about my kitchen…haha! But if you do come, announced you will find a sparkly clean kitchen.

Let’s just say I do try to be a little orderly but that doesn’t always last. Whilst I am baking cookies, I will think about dinner and then about a new recipe I want to try.
Then I will get everything out and multitask…haha! I know you all know I am crazy, although if you meet me I seem pretty normal.

I wish I could calm down and just do one thing at a time. But I think I am a little old to change now.

When I was still at home I always moaned at my mom because when she cooked she has stuff scattered all over the kitchen. Now I feel I’ve become just like her, just don’t tell her that.

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