Hot Dog Chili

hot dog chili is cast iron skillet with wooden spoon

Serving Suggestions:
We suggest topping your hot dog with a squirt of mustard, a heaping spoonful of this hot dog chili recipe, a sprinkle of diced onion, and as much shredded cheddar as your heart desires. Chili dog perfection!

Achieving a finer beef texture
Use a lean ground beef since you won’t draining the fat.
Add the liquid in with the beef and mash with a fork until you have a very fine texture.
Keep mashing with the fork until the meat is mostly browned and then switch over to a spatula as you normally would.
The texture of the beef is completely up to you!
I almost always brown beef in liquid these days, because I prefer the smaller pieces and more tender beef, but if you prefer a big, chunky, meaty texture just go ahead and brown the beef like you normally would and add the broth in after it’s cooked through.

homemade chili dogs in red basket with cheddar and onions

chili cheese dogs in red basket with onions on top

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