Unlike most American pancakes, these Oladi are fried in oil. That’s what gives them the luscious crispy edges that everyone loves.

Russian Oladi on a plate and a cup of coffee
Just like in Russia, Oladi are so popular in Ukraine too and I grew up eating ton of those. This is the kind of food that pleases everyone and disappears fast.

Because when you sit at the breakfast table in front of a stack of freshly made Kefir Russian Pancakes, you can’t help but dig right into them.

Oladi are delicious and make you feel cozy and and satisfied.

Sometimes you’ll these Russian pancakes under different names. Some call them blini, some – oladushki or oladki. Many people even make yeast based Oladi.

However one fact is for sure, whatever you call them, these thick pancakes are sure to impress.

Oladi are fluffy, soft and crispy on the edges – and who doesn’t like that?
oladyi can be stuffed with a variety of different fruits or berries; just use whatever you have in your fridge
oladi that are made with kefir or buttermilk are healthy and quick to make
approved by picky eaters and it’s always a plus

Russian Pancakes Oladi with a jam
he process of making Oladi is quite similar to making regula pancakes and is easy as a pie.

I’m going to walk you through all steps to ensure you prepare the best Oladi ever.
I love that these Oladi are made with simple ingredients. You probably already have them in your pantry.

Kefir – highly popular dairy-based beverage in Eastern European countries. You can find Kefir in most grocery stores. Otherwise, see my substitution tips below
Egg – for binding the ingredients
Flour – I’ve always made Oladi with all-purpose flour, however Whole Wheat Pastry Flour will work here as well. If you want to use Whole Wheat Flour, I recommend 1:1 ratio meaning 1 part of Whole Wheat Flour and 1 part of All purpose flour.
Baking soda – to help the batter rise
Apples – crispy and not too sweet types of apples work best. Granny Smith, Gala, Fuji, Daisy variety will all work well in this Oladi recipe

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